How Many Times I Listened to a Song on Apple Music

How Many Times I Listened to a Song on Apple Music

Ever found yourself grooving to a tune so catchy that you’ve hit the replay button more times than you can count? We are sure you’ve wondered just how many times you’ve listened to some songs. Well, wonder no more! Apple Music app, for Windows and macOS, displays the exact number of times you’ve played a song. Let’s crunch some numbers.

Table of Contents

Check the Number of Times You Played a Song on Apple Music

The Apple Music apps for Windows and macOS are almost similar. Here, we will be showcasing the Apple Music app for macOS. To begin, simply open the Apple Music app and navigate to the Songs section. Here, you’ll be able to see how many times you’ve played each song in the Plays section.

How Many Times I Listened to a Song on Apple Music

If the Plays section is not listed, simply right-click anywhere on the title bar and ensure that Plays is selected from the available options.

How Many Times I Listened to a Song on Apple Music

Pro Tip: Customize your playlist with ready-made covers or any image of your own in Apple Music to make it look more appealing.

Check With Apple Music Replay

Apple Music Replay is a special feature available to Apple Music users around the new year. It provides valuable information such as the total hours of music listened to and the top songs based on play count. However, there is a limitation to Replay as it only displays the number of plays for the 15 most played songs throughout the year. And it is only released at the end of the year. On a positive note, it also generates visually appealing templates that you can share on social media for fun.

If you have not checked out your Apple Music Replay yet, you can read our complete guide on how to find and share your Apple Music Replay.

Tip: Do you know about the new animated album art on Apple Music?

Reset the Number of Times You Played a Song on Apple Music

If you’re looking to start fresh in keeping track of your listening habits, resetting the number of plays might be a good idea. This can be particularly helpful if your musical preferences have changed or if you simply want to reset the statistics for personal reasons.

1. To reset the plays for a specific song, simply right-click on the song and choose Get info on Mac or Properties on Windows.

How Many Times I Listened to a Song on Apple Music

2. Now in the Details section, click on the Reset next to play count and then on OK.

How Many Times I Listened to a Song on Apple Music

Check the Last Time You Skipped a Song

By understanding how often you skip songs, you can customize your playlists. This means excluding tracks that don’t match your taste, so you can focus on the music you love. Here’s how to check the skipped songs.

1. Right-click anywhere on the title bar and select Last Skipped and Skips.

How Many Times I Listened to a Song on Apple Music

2. You can now easily check the date and time of your last skipped song with the total number of skips.

How Many Times I Listened to a Song on Apple Music

Pro Tip: Discover a free way to listen to music together and enjoy shared experiences, even when apart.

Musical Journey

After reading the article, you now have a better understanding of how often you truly enjoy your favorite song based on genres, artists, passing trends, etc. Additionally, you can remove the ones that you tend to skip.

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Apple Music が一時停止し続けるエラーを修正する 14 の最良の方法

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